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Prosthodontics & Crown & Bridge

Faculty/ HOD

Head of Department :

Dr Arti Gangurde

Designation :

Associate professor and Head

Qualification :


Contact No :


Location :

2nd floor Room No. 221, 225, 227, 235, 238, 239, 240 and 3rd floor room no. 325 of GDC & H

Staff Details
Dr Arti Gangurde Professor & Head of Department
Dr. Manish Chauhan Associate Professor
Dr. Niraja Jaiswal Associate Professor
Dr. Ravikumar Akulwar Assistant Professor
Dr. Namrata Bhoyar Assistant Professor
Dr. Elna Rose Devassy Assistant Professor
Dr. Shivangi Agarwal Assistant Professor
Dr. Ruturaj Khankari  Assistant Professor
Dr. Priya Agrawal  Assistant Professor
Dr. Ramdas Palekar   Dental Surgeon
Dr. Madhuri Meshram Dental Surgeon
Mr. Yogesh Shelke  Dental Technician
Mrs. Rupali Jadhav  Dental Technician
Mrs. Vandana Adhal Dental Technician
Mrs. Vaishali Kamtikar Dental Technician
Mr. Omkar Udeg  Assistant Dental Technician
Mrs. Snehal Dhas  Assistant Dental Technician
Mr. Anil Harpale Lab Technician
Mr. Abhimanyu Chougule Lab Assistant
Mr. Hemant Koli Servant cum sweeper
Mr. Prakash Rathod Servant cum sweeper
Mr. Manoj Boricha Servant cum sweeper
Miss. Suvarna Kamble Servant cum sweeper
Basic Facilities In The Department

The biggest department of GDC & H is on the 2nd and 3rd  floor. It is equipped with highly advanced instruments and machinery. The department is well- equipped with 65 dental chairs for undergraduate and postgraduate dental clinics. CAD/CAM was proposed in 2018 but has not yet been received.



Patient Services
  • Daily OPD of approximately 120 patients.
  • 6000 patients treated annually with removable prosthesis (CD, RPD, Maxillofacial prosthesis).
  • 2500 patients treated annually with crown and bridges.
  • 100 implant surgeries done annually.
Academic Activities
First-year undergraduate students:
  • Dental materials 6 lectures per month
  • Preclinical Prosthodontics 8 preclinical practicals per month
Second-year undergraduate students
  • Dental materials 8 lectures
  • Preclinical Prosthodontics 24 preclinical practicals per month
  • Prosthodontics 8 lectures per month.
Third-year undergraduate students:
  • Clinical posting in the afternoon 3 hours per day
  • Prosthodontics 6 lectures per month.
Final year undergraduate students:
  • Clinical posting in the morning 4 hours per day
  • Prosthodontics 8 lectures per month.
  • A total of 22 lectures on Prosthodontics and crown and bridge are taken per
  • A total of 14 lectures on Dental materials are taken per
  • Total 32 preclinical Prosthodontics practicals per
  • The third and final year clinic totals 154 hours per month

Interns: are posted for 11/2 months in the department where they learn all complete denture, removable partial denture and basics of fixed partial denture. Along with this, they are taught about basics of oral implantology as an ‘Add on course’.

Clinical Assistants: perform all prosthodontics procedures such as complete denture, removable partial denture and fixed partial denture.

Post graduate students: They treat all patients needing complete dentures, overdentures, immediate dentures, cast partial dentures, intraoral and extra oral maxillofacial prosthesis, fixed prosthesis, full mouth rehabilitation, aesthetic rehabilitation, advanced digital procedures. They also perform implant surgeries and deliver the implant prosthesis. Tutorials, clinical demonstrations, lectures, seminars and journal clubs are conducted for them throughout the year to upgrade preclinical, clinical skills and knowledge of students.

PhD course (3 students per year). At present 4 students are registered.

Fellowship in Oral Implantology in affiliation with MUHS, Nashik (10 students per year).

Fellowship in Geriatric Dentistry is affiliated with MUHS, Nashik (10 students per year).

Diploma in Dental Mechanics (10 students per year). 2 years course. 20 students per year are going to be proposed in the coming year.

Lectures and demonstration on manipulation of related dental materials and trained for assistance/work each year for dental hygienist students.


Advanced Machinery
  • Implant taper kit with surgical instruments (Osstem, Biohorizons)
  • Sinus lift kit (CAS, LAS)
  • RFA device, PRF Machine, Portable x-ray unit
  • RVG with x-ray machine, laptop, and printer

The cream metal laboratory is fully equipped

  • Pressable ceramic machine (Ivoclar)
  • Vacuum press machine
Different Courses Offered By The Department Apart From BDS And MDS
  • PhD course (3 students per year). At present 4 students are
  • Fellowship in Oral Implantology in affiliation with MUHS, Nashik (10 students per year).
  • Fellowship in Geriatric Dentistry is affiliated with MUHS, Nashik (10 students per year).
  • Diploma in Dental Mechanics (10 students per year). 2 years 20 students per year are going to be proposed in the coming year.
Other Activities
  • 3 new research done per year
  • 6 ongoing research (as a part MDS curriculum)
  • Fellowship students and PhD scholars also pursue research
  • 10 Scientific research publications per year
  • 39 seminars per year
  • 30 Journal clubs per year
  • Interdepartmental case presentations with internal and external subject
  • ‘Choose your own guide’ allows Under-graduate students to carry out research under the faculty of the
  • Posters, papers, and table clinic presentations at the IPS convention and national and state level conferences by postgraduate
  • Arranged various CDE programs with demonstration and hands-on.
  • Every year National Prosthodontist Day is celebrated with a lecture delivered by a renowned Prosthodontics
Vision & Mission

Services Provided

Center of Excellence

Specialized Section for Geriatric Patients

Location : 2nd Floor

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