Public Health Dentistry

Faculty/ HOD

Dr. Sandhya Chavan

Head of Department :

Dr. Sandhya Chavan

Designation :

Associate Professor and Head

Qualification :

MDS in Public Health Dentistry :

Contact No :


Location :

Room No- 340 to 352, Third floor of GDCH building

Staff Details

Dr. Sandhya Chavan

Associate Professor and HOD

Dr. Roshni Dupare

Assistant Professor

Dr. Priyanka Machale

Dr.Kasturi Satam

Assistant Professor

Dental Surgeon

Mr. Shoabh Zulfi

Dental Hygienist

Mr Ganesh Solanki

Mr Balkrushna Nadge


Driver, Mobile Dental Clinic

Scope Of Department

Well-equipped department spread over an area of approx 2841.500 sqft consisting of an Undergraduate Dental clinic with 16 dental chairs, a Patient waiting area, a Seminar Room, and an Oral Health Museum. The department is equipped with a mobile dental clinic and portable dental chair unit taking sophisticated dental care to remote areas where access to care is limited.

The Department is dedicated to training undergraduate students in public health dentistry with a main emphasis on the Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of common oral diseases. Undergraduates are trained in Epidemiological research to understand patterns of disease distribution and assess the needs of community training students in the field of community intervention. The department has a museum located on the third floor with a range of exhibits for patient education on all aspects of oral health and disease and its prevention.


Academic Activities

Training undergraduate students in Public Health Dentistry to work within interdisciplinary teams investigating the risk factors for oral diseases, their relation to systemic disease, and the use of oral epidemiological methods to study health outcomes of dental services. Providing preventive treatment modalities, oral health education, and oral health promotion for the population. Conducting epidemiological research.

Clinical Activities

The department provides basic oral health care services for common oral health diseases like dental caries and periodontal disease, preventive services, and oral health education and counseling against tobacco habit at the department level.

Outreach oral Health services

The department has an extensive outreach program where dental care is delivered to the surrounding areas through satellite centers at five various locations in the Mumbai region and regular oral health screening and health education camps in different parts of Mumbai and outside Rural regions through Mobile Dental van covering more than 15,000 patients annually.


The department is associated with humanitarian organizations; Life and Peace for oral health outreach activities.


The scope for research activity is wide with epidemiological studies, behavioral sciences research. The Department encourages and facilitates students to conduct an epidemiological studies.

Public Awareness Programs

The department organizes Public awareness programs regularly marking important public health days like “World No Tobacco Day”, World Health Day, “Oral Heal Day”, and AIDS Day.

Logo Interpretation

Vision & Mission

Center of Excellence

Department Specialty Services

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