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Institutional Ethical Committee


The Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) at Government Dental College & Hospital (GDCH), Mumbai plays a crucial role in:

1.    Protecting Participants:
2.    Reviewing Research Protocols:
3.    Educating and Developing:

The committee meticulously reviews all research proposals involving human subjects, with the paramount goal of safeguarding their dignity, rights, safety, and overall well-being before granting approval. It firmly upholds the principle that research objectives, no matter how significant, must never compromise the health and welfare of research participants.

Since   its   establishment   in   2011,   Institutional   Ethics    Committee (IEC) at Government Dental College & Hospital (GDCH), Mumbai has consistently convened regular meetings to scrutinize scientific proposals submitted by undergraduate, postgraduate, fellowship, and Ph.D. students, as well as faculty members. The review process adheres to the following steps:

1.    Meeting Scheduling:
  • Meetings are thoughtfully planned based on the workload and proposal
  • Independent experts and consultants are selectively invited to provide their expert opinions as
2.    Documentation and Approval:
  • The entire meeting proceedings are meticulously
  • The chairman’s signature is diligently obtained after each meeting, signifying due diligence and adherence to ethical


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